有没有人能解释一下这个点赞特效是啥意思,俩个一? 喜欢看一本书的时候听一首歌,当歌曲响起的时候书中的情景和心情就会在脑海中快速闪过,整首歌都弥漫着那种气息。《那不勒斯四部曲》和这首歌很适配。 when creating a song i really aim to create something that captures the feeling. so for winter i tried to embody both the visual of looking at a landscape covered in snow and its chilly weather thank you for an amazing night! I can’t express how much you guys have changed my life. i’ll be going thru more comments later, so feel free to share your thoughts. ily all, y’all are the best <3 罗空空那过来的 诡秘这玩意暑假火了 眼睛内个🌚 不是,这哥真的没有创作瓶颈啊